
[…. this work has the force of the impersonal, but it is to the faithfulness of a singularly unique experience that Michael Tronzo’s paintings summon us; his is a tense but patient work, at once tempestuous and still, concentrated in on itself, in the explosive brevity of its own instant or instance of inspiration - its most real, most burning present - with a power of image and affirmation that, for all the spontaneous decisiveness, for all the passion and immediacy of its expression, yet keeps the slowness, the continuity, and the understanding of the uninterrupted. It might be said of his work what the poet Rene Char once wrote of his own art; that the painting, its poetic denouement and risk, reveals itself as “ the realized love of desire that has remained desire” - and this, as so many of his compositions confirm, where it seems that the work wants to grasp, behind the light, and behind any form of representational or mimetic reduction, the opening or clearing itself, an originary dis-closure by which everything is found illuminated and as if promised to itself.
Excerpt of an essay by Joshua Fleurant (published late 2008)

Interview with Michael, by Esther Leneman  Read...

Michael Tronzo, American painter born in 1953, Rochester, NY.
In the 70's Michael attended the Art Students League in NYC.
He currently lives and works in Eliot, Maine, with his wife the painter Adeline Goldminc-Tronzo.

For any inquiries regarding Michael Tronzo’s work, email:michael@michaeltronzo.com

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